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Climbing the Corporate Ladder: How Management Skills Lead to Executive Success

Climbing the Corporate Ladder: How Management Skills Lead to Executive Success


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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Jul 2024
Total lectures 1
Total quizzes 0
Total duration
Total enrolment 5
Number of reviews 0
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Short description
  • The Evolving Role of the Project Manager: Understand how the project manager's role has transformed and why it’s crucial in modern corporate structures.
  • Essential Skills for Today's Project Managers: Discover the key competencies that every successful project manager must possess.
  • Transitioning from Project Manager to Senior Executive: Learn how to leverage project management experience to move into senior executive positions.
  • Skills of Successful Senior Executives: Explore the critical skills that define successful senior executives and how to develop them.
  • Practical Steps for Career Advancement: Gain actionable insights and strategies to advance your career effectively.