Course Overview

Conceive An Executive Identity; who are you going to become? You have believed you can have Executive Presence, what is the identity you Create for Yourself?  Most people have live life by default, they allowed other people to shape the Identity for themselves. They have allowed their path to be chosen for them, being unaware of what value They have. You became the person you desire to be, not by default. How are people going to perceive you, how are you going to perceive yourself?

Do you still do a diligent but cookie-cutter workplace screw? You need a little workplace soft power! Personal branding can help you quickly stand out in the workplace! Work with Sophia to sort out your personal brand from 0 to 1 to become a better version of yourself that is seen, trusted, and recognized.


What will I learn?

  • 主动争取机会,增加职场曝光 Actively seek opportunities to increase career exposure.
  • 在会议中自信开口的“招式”与“心法” The “tricks” and “mindset” for speaking confidently in meetings.
  • 玩转社交,如何在公司活动中大放异彩 Strategize for social activities in the workplace and how to shine in corporate events.
  • 把握时机力挽狂澜,让江湖留下你的传说 Seize the opportunity to turn the tide and leave your mark on the world.
  • 拒绝隐形,出色的工作如何让老板看到 Make yourself seen and let your bosses see your outstanding work and potential for leadership roles.

Sophia Shi

CEO at IvyCompass, Inc.

StoneBridge USA Consulting Managing Director;  Former New Jersey Economic and Commerce Development Commission, Global Director;  Former LRA Worldwide, Asia Pacific Managing Director; Former Wyndham Worldwide, Asia Pacific Global Training & QA Director; Former Comrise, VP, Business Development;  Former Citizen Bank, District Branch Manager.石羽非女士是一位在团队管理与领导力提升方面拥有丰富经验的跨行业领导者。在过去30余年的高管生涯中,石女士横跨七大行业,足迹遍布亚太及北美地区,曾担任美国新泽西州对外经贸厅厅长、美国Citizen银行分行行长、LRA管理咨询公司亚太区董事总经理, 创立自己的品牌咨询公司辅导过多个国内大企业,如万达,首旅等, 为国际经贸、金融、零售、IT、酒店、餐饮、教育7个行业作出杰出贡献。

Xin Deng



早就听说 Sophia 老师驰骋商业几十年,拥有极其丰富的管理经验。可喜的是,现在Sophia老师将在 ”讲武堂“ 把自己多年职场经验,无私地、系统地,分享给华人同胞们。为我们在北美职场爬楼的华人朋友们提供一个手把手的进步模板,以此来提升华人的整体形象和地位。在 Coach Sophia Shi 教官 的 “个人品牌-升职加薪加速器” 课堂上,我有幸见证了: 有一种认真,叫Sophia式的认真肯干追求卓越。她对自己的高标准、高要求、有响应、有结果,给了我们最好的示范。这样做下来,想不成为领导信任的人都难。 有一种精力旺盛,叫Sophia式的持续高标准输出。在她的职业生涯里,无论走到哪儿,不仅肯吃苦干得好,还要干得巧。这里的巧不是投机取巧,投机耍滑穿空子。而是以一种成熟周全智慧的办事方式,达到多方都满意的高效解决方案。 她那极具创意地 “干得巧” 让她成为了传奇。 有一种格局,叫Sophia式的仗义大气有魄力。她从与各部门到与各界朋友的深厚情谊,让事业和生活如鱼得水,有如神助。我们都知道,现实生活中哪有什么神助?那都是源于她平日真诚的帮助和支持周围同事和朋友,大家自然也愿意帮她、顶她、祝她一臂之力。 再次感谢Sophia老师掏心掏肺地真诚分享,帮我们打开了思路, 找到了方法,按着Sophia老师给的模版走起来,就会有进步!
