Course Overview

Executive presence essential

What will I learn?

  • In today’s corporate world, executive presence (EP) is considered a “must-have” for those who want to forge ahead to senior leadership positions, especially for those who aspired to be in the C-suite. This is also the most difficult concept to grasp for employees with Asian background because of the inherent cultural gaps. The good news is that this is a skill (not a trait) that can be learned. This course will cover what are considered to be the core elements of EP, what are the most obvious signs that one lacks EP and what are the practical ways one can use to hone these skills.

Sharon Feng

Board Director, Koppers Inc

Dr. Sharon Feng has over thirty years of leadership experience in both multi-national companies as well as start-ups across the world.  She was the Vice president of Business Development for Asia Pacific and the Vice president of Innovation for North America for Bayer Material Sciences as well as Vice President of Environmental Affairs and Engineering Services for Lanxess Corporation.  In addition, Sharon  worked in academia for six years and was the Sr Associate Dean of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering in the University of Chicago.  During this time, she was also the CEO of a biotech Startup, Immunatis.  Prior to her retirement, she was the Global Technical Director for Corporate R&D for PPG.  Furthermore, Sharon  has been an independent director on the board of Koppers Inc since 2009 and was named as one of the most influential corporate directors by Women’s Inc in 2019. 早年取得MIT化学博士,曾在多家跨国公司及首创公司担任高级领导职务达三十余年之久,历任世界500强PPG公司前全球技术主管、拜耳材料科技公司付总裁等职。现任有百年历史的美国上市公司Koppers独立董事及跨国咨询公司Chemquest副总裁, 2020年被Women Inc杂志评为美国”最有影响的企业董事”。 冯博士深谙西方企业文化中的潜规则,多年致力于帮助亚裔员工在职场中发挥自己的优势,闯出自己独特的成功之道。
