Course Overview

It is suitable to all professionals who have the opportunity to manage a team or lead a project that has a few coworkers. The course will discuss the principles, techniques and tips of managing people to jointly deliver a common goal. When a person needs to lead a team, usually he/she also has to manage up and cross. Suggest consider these 3 classes, “Manage Up”, “Manage Cross”, and “Manage Down” together to have a comprehensive view for managing a team. The instructor will use real examples to explain strategies to build up a system to inspire, coach, motivate different team members to perform the best, reaches the result of 1+1 greater than 2.

What will I learn?

  • Know ourselves - Introduce some methods to understand ourselves better
  • Understand your team members – methods
  • Commonly used leadership styles – matching the right style with team members
  • System you need to build up whenever you step into a team
  • Suggestions on communication
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Relationship between Manage Up, Cross and Down
  • Real examples

Michelle Han

Fortune 100 Software Company Executive

Michelle is a seasoned executive in high technology, boasting over 25 years of experience in leadership roles encompassing people and project management. Her extensive background includes managing teams in large, globally distributed organizations with diverse cultural backgrounds, as well as in startup environments. Michelle has been instrumental in driving corporate end-to-end strategies, mechanisms, and solutions for complex software platform products, working closely with numerous cross-functional teams. She is recognized as an expert in sorting out end-to-end solutions, fostering cooperation and collaboration among complicated organization structures.多年前来美攻读航空航天和计算机科学双硕士。毕业后,从Startup基层程序员做起,一路做到大厂的高管。她做过不同规模的高科技软件公司,带领跨国团队在B2B,B2C APP, Infrastructure, Telco Solution各类产品中驰骋。对从无到有组建团队和复杂跨国团队领导方面深有经验和体会。她一直致力于辅导提携亚裔员工,希望以自己的经验教训帮助更多的同胞扬长避短,尽快实现自己的职场梦想。
